
DFA Special - Designing Design: Great Works Hidden in Plain Sight

29 Nov 2023
HKG | 15:50 - 16:20 (GMT+8)
BODW Summit
Venue / Country
Freespace, Art Park, West Kowloon Cultural District, Hong Kong

Join Kenya Hara on an intriguing journey exploring seven captivating themes, where he shares insights from his design awakenings to his visions for the future. In this keynote, Hara delves into the enchantment of "Macaroni" and the experience of the "RE-DESIGN Exhibition," revealing how exceptional design lurks in the invisible, waiting to be discovered where you least expect it.


Discover with us how our everyday behaviours shape our world and uncover the beauty of extraordinary designs hidden in plain sight.


Other topics include Hara's seminar at Musashino Art University, the impactful strides in "MUJI Art Direction," and his fervour for cross-disciplinary design showcased in the monumental "HOUSE VISION." Moreover, he will also delve into his grand perspective on the ever-evolving human civilizations showcased at the "Neo-Prehistory: 100 Verbs" exhibition in Milan in 2017.