Kenya Hara
President & Chief Executive Designer
Nippon Design Center, Inc. · Japan
Born in 1958, Kenya Hara, is an acclaimed designer known for his extensive global exhibitions that challenge conventional values, including "RE-DESIGN: Daily Products of the 21st Century," "JAPAN CAR: DESIGNS FOR THE CROWDED GLOBE," and "HOUSE VISION”.
Hara has contributed to the Nagano Winter Olympic Games and Aichi Expo 2005, showcasing designs rooted in Japanese culture. Other creative accomplishments include serving as MUJI’s art director since 2002 and working on VI for well-known brands in Japan, China, Korea, and Taiwan.
In 2008 and 2009, he held large-scale solo exhibitions in Beijing and Shanghai. In 2004, at the XXI Triennale di Milano, he collaborated with Andrea Branzion "NEO-PREHISTORY: 100 Verbs", exploring history through the co-evolution of human tools and desires.
Hara also served as the general producer for JAPAN HOUSE, an overseas hub established by Japan’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs to showcase Japan to the world "High Resolution Tour" (2019) was launched as an online initiative to redefine tourism as a cultural experience.
In 2023, Hara received the 2020 Jan Lenica Award, marked by a commemorative exhibition, “Make the Future Better than Today”, at the National Museum in Poznań, Poland.
Hara is a prolific writer. His books, include "Designing Design” (Iwanami Shoten, 2003 and Lars Müller Publishers, 2007, respectively); "White" (Chuokoron Shinsha, 2008); "Japanese Design" (Iwanami Shinsho, 2011); "White 100" (Chuokoron Shinsha, 2018) and “Teikuhiko, High Resolution Tour / Shaping Japan for the Future book” (Iwanami Shoten, 2022).